Edmonton Wart Treatment Clinic

Book Your Wart Treatment Today:
Edmonton Wart Clinic
16923 127 St. Edmonton
*Located inside Deansgate Medical in the Newcastle Plaza, east of Sobey’s
Wart Removal Questions? Call us
*While we treat a wide array of warts,
Alberta Health Care will only cover wart treatment for the following conditions:
Plantar Warts
*All other common warts are NOT covered and are billed to the patient.
A flat fee of $75 per treatment is charged.

Our experienced team is pleased to offer Edmontonians medical wart removal services that are covered by AHC. Individuals often present to their family doctor with a long history of warts which are stubborn to treatment. Parents are often concerned about wart growths in their young children. With over a decade of specialized interest in wart removal, we are confident our team is able to answer your wart removal questions, and treat any underlying issues.

Patient Perspectives

Our patients often feel there is
not a dedicated clinic to
effectively treat problem warts….

We listened……….

Edmonton Wart Treatment Clinic offers
immediate bookings for
wart removal & treatment.

Call 780-476-5522 to book an appointment.

Book Your Wart Treatment Today:
Edmonton Wart Clinic

16923 127 St. Edmonton
*Located inside Deansgate Medical in the Newcastle Plaza, east of Sobey’s
Wart Removal Questions? Call us
*While we treat a wide array of warts,
Alberta Health Care will only cover treatment for the following conditions:
Plantar Warts

*All other common warts are NOT covered and are billed to the patient.

A flat fee of $75 per treatment is charged.

What Are Warts?

Warts are a skin reaction caused by a virus (known as Papillomavirus). The virus can enter through cracks or cuts in the skin, and once inside, are able to evade the immune system by hiding. Every now and then, they will cause an outbreak, showing up as single or clustered groups of unsightly warts on the skin.

The region of the body where the warts are found determines the name of warts. Plantar warts, for example, are found on the feet (plantar is Latin for feet).

Are Warts Contagious?

Yes, warts are contagious. They spread through direct and indirect contact. By not treating warts right away, you’re allowing them the opportunity to spread to other areas of the body, or to other people around you. Attempting to cut warts off yourself can also promote their spread, and can result in permanent scarring on the skin. We uses modern surgical & medical techniques to remove the wart in their entirety, thus preventing any possibility of them spreading to other tissues of the body, however it is always important to remain realistic as warts may require several treatments, and to be aware that until the patient has built their own immunity, new warts may emerge. Some warts extend deep below the surface of the skin and will require a few follow-up treatments to ensure their complete elimination from the body. In these cases, it’s important to keep the warts covered between treatments with a bandage or piece of medical tape.

Types Of Warts

  • Flat warts (legs, hand or face)
  • Plantar warts (feet)
  • Oral warts (found in the mouth)
  • Filiform warts (found on the face near the eyelids or lips)
  • Periungual warts (found around the finger and toenails)

Book Your Wart Treatment Today:
Edmonton Wart Clinic
16923 127 St. Edmonton
*Located inside Deansgate Medical in the Newcastle Plaza, east of Sobey’s
Wart Removal Questions? Call us

How Can I Prevent Warts?

Although it’s possible to lower your chances of developing warts, you cannot prevent them completely.

Warts are a virus, which is a microscopic organism resistant to many disinfectants and antibiotics. They are small enough to enter the skin through tiny cracks and cuts completely undetected. The best means of protection is to keep the skin healthy and free from cracking, and avoiding direct skin contact with high-risk areas like pool change rooms and public showers. Always wears shoes, and avoid other people’s towels or footwear.

If you already have a wart, the best way to prevent its spread is to have it removed. In the meantime, drying the wart off after a shower can help to slow its spread as they tend to be more contagious while they are wet.

It’s also important to avoid picking or scratching warts, this causes the contagious viral molecules to exit the wart and reach other tissues of the body easily.

Wart Treatment Facts

edmonton wart treatment - laser - dr. anil sharma

Warts seem to come out of nowhere, develop unsightly callous-looking skin lesions, and can be incredibly hard to get rid of. They often have a negative connotation. There is a lot of confusion surrounding warts, including where they came from, how contagious they are, and what the best way to eliminate them is.

Warts are actually a viral infection of the skin. They emerge suddenly, and tend to remain for around two years before finally disappearing. They appear either in clumps, or alone, and can be seen growing anywhere on the body. Plantar warts of the feet are by far the most common, but warts on the hands and face are also fairly regular.

Warts are contagious, and home remedies tend to be slow and ineffective. At the Edmonton Wart Clinic, we have developed our own combination of wart removal techniques that combines modern technological advancements and years of experience. This allows us to remove warts quickly and effectively, with little to no scarring left behind.

Book Your Wart Treatment Today:
Edmonton Wart Clinic
16923 127 St. Edmonton
*Located inside Deansgate Medical in the Newcastle Plaza, east of Sobey’s
Wart Removal Questions? Call us

How To Treat Warts At Home

There are a number of home remedies, and over the counter treatments for warts, some of which can be effective, others not so much. The difficulty with warts is the fact that they often extend deep under the skin, far from the reach of surface treatments like creams and gels. Using these treatments kills the top of warts, but the base continues to grow, making treatment slow, and often ineffective.

Treating warts with duct tape

One of the most popular home remedies for warts is to cover the area with duct tape. After about a week, remove the tape and soak the wart in warm water. The wart should be very soft by this point. You can use a pumice stone to scrape as much of the wart off as possible. Dry the area, and place a new piece of tape on. This process will need to be repeated several times to be effective, stretching the treatment time to well over a month.

Treating warts with garlic

Another popular method is to use freshly crushed garlic on the wart. Garlic contains potent antiviral chemicals that help to destroy the wart at its root. You will need to secure the garlic with a bandage, and reapply a fresh piece of garlic each day and replace the bandages securing it. This treatment will give off a smell of garlic, but is one of the fastest acting home remedies available.

Other popular home wart removal remedies include:

  • Crushed vitamin C
  • Powdered birch bark
  • Banana peel
  • Lemon peel
  • Cinnamon essential oil
  • Papaya
  • Dandelion stem latex
  • Fresh Basil leaf
  • Vinegar and salt water soaks (best for plantar warts)
  • Pumice stone treatment
  • Baking soda and castor oil

How We Remove Warts

We use an innovative method of wart removal that combines medical technologies like lasers and medications to effectively treat warts. The location of the wart, and how deeply it extends into the skin, will help determine the best course of treatment. There isn’t one treatment for every kind of wart. Rather a combination of treatments are used to get the wart in its entirety from root to tip.

Identifying the best course of treatment to remove warts relies on the experience and expertise of a trained medical practitioner. We use our experience and medical diagnostic techniques to assess and identify what wart treatments options are best for your individual circumstance.

Therapies may choose includes:

  • Cryotherapy
  • Cantharadin treatment
  • Electro-surgery
  • Curttage
  • Chemical peels
  • Laser removal

Is Wart Removal Covered By AHC Insurance?

Alberta Health Care will cover wart treatment for the following conditions:

  • Plantar Warts
  • *All other common warts are NOT covered and are billed to the patient.

Our team will help guide you through the process of having your warts removed as fast as possible.

Book A Consultation Today!

Have your wart or warts removed quickly and effectively with the help of our team of experts. There is no sense waiting two years to have the wart leave on its own when you can have it removed properly by a trained professional.

Book Your Wart Treatment Today:
Edmonton Wart Clinic
16923 127 St. Edmonton
*Located inside Deansgate Medical in the Newcastle Plaza, east of Sobey’s
Wart Removal Questions? Call us
*While we treat a wide array of warts,
Alberta Health Care will only cover treatment for the following conditions:
Plantar Warts
*All other common warts are NOT covered and are billed to the patient.

A flat fee of $75 per treatment is charged.


Better yet, see us in person!

Feel free to visit during normal business hours and make an appointment. We are located inside Deansgate Medical Clinic.

Edmonton Wart Clinic
16923 127 Street NW
Edmonton, AB

Clinic (telephone) Hours
8 am to 8 pm Weekdays
Closed Weekends

Clinic (wart treatment) Hours

Monday: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am – 10:30 am & 3:00 to 5:00 pm
Friday: 2:00 to 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: closed